Meet the Team

  • Malin Jonell

    Malin is a researcher at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Stockholm Resilience Centre where she leads the research theme Food for Resilience. Her work focuses on corporate biosphere stewardship in the food sector, (blue) food governance and the role of aquaculture and fisheries in the global food system.

  • Noah Linder

    Noah's research looks at sustainable behavior change from a psychological perspective. He explores how to integrate behavioral insights into interventions, e.g., tailored information and modifications of the decision context to better support pro-environmental choices. Lately, his research has zoomed in on the automatic and habitual aspects of our behaviour.

  • Leah Hupp

    Leah is currently a research assistant at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and holds a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and a M.A. in Sustainability, Economics and Management. She has worked with WWF Germany on biodiversity stewardship in the food retail sector for the past 2.5 years. She has a particular interest in understanding, how actors from the food supply chain can collectively work together and find shared solutions.

  • Genevieve Metson

    Geneviève is currently an Associate Professor in Geography and Environment at Western University in London Ontario Canada. Her research examines how we can better manage natural resources within food systems. She has a particular interest in how cities, through their direct decisions about organic waste and indirect power through consumption, can help transform resource flows, for example, phosphorus and nitrogen, across landscapes.

  • Beatrice Crona

    Beatrice is the Science Director at the Stockholm Resilience Center and the Executive Director of the research program Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere housed at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Her recent research concerns the wider food system, with particular focus on aquatic food production, consumption and trade, and how corporate financial investments can drive norms and practices of actors across the food system.

  • Cecilia Mark-Herbert

    Cecilia is a researcher and teacher at SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, with interest in food and fiber systems. Her research focuses on management aspects of sustainability transitions in these systems.

  • Elin Röös

    Elin is a researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science focused on the topic of sustainable food systems. Her research includes assessing the environmental impact of different foods, production systems and dietary patterns and developing and modeling future scenarios on how to sustainably produce food for a growing population, and the use of such results in a range of interdisciplinary applications.

  • Daniel Dworetsky

    Daniel has extensive experience from communications and business development in MatLust Utvecklingsnod and as a public relations consultant. He has also worked with entrepreneurship and small businesses at NyföretagarCentrum Sverige, sustainability in the private sector at CSR Sweden and market research at Demoskop.

  • Julia Aldberg

    Julia works as a researcher with a background in business administration and focus on sustainable development within a circular bio-economy at the department of Forest Economics at SLU. She is particularly interested in the production, marketing and innovation aspects of food and fiber from a sustainability perspective. She has worked more than 8 years in the FMCG industry as a consultant before returning to the research community.

  • Veronica Öhrvik

    Veronica works at Axfoundation and her main areas are sustainable seafood and sustainable nutrition. She holds a PhD in food science and has previously worked at the Swedish University of Agriculture and the Swedish Food Agency.

  • Stina Behrens

    Stina leads sustainable innovation projects in the field of production and consumption at Axfoundation. Stina holds a BA in behavioral science from Stockholm University and a BA in Arts and Design from Beckmans School of Design and has extensive experience in sustainable business development.tion goes here

  • Anna Henning Moberg

    Anna is the operations manager, at Torsåker farm – Axfoundation’s test farm and practical center for sustainable food systems. Previously, she ran the food agency SALT Food & Communication and worked on concept and recipe development for large food companies like Arla and Santa Maria. Through SALT, she also helped many Swedish food producers to develop in a more sustainable direction, and to go from product to brand through communication, business and product development.